Play the perfect poker session
I'm going to help you set yourself up for success and play perfect poker sessions, every time, from this moment on.

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Or listen to episode #484:

My recent HORRIBLE poker session

I played a poker session yesterday and it was one of the worst sessions of my life! At the end of that terrible session, I took a little time and analyzed why it was so horrible. Here are the 4 conclusions I came to:

  1. He was tired and in a bad mood. Things didn't go as planned during the day and he wasn't necessarily in a bad mood, but he wasn't calm or ready to play poker either.
  2. I didn't make a pre-session warm-up. So I didn't prepare my mind to play solid poker. I simply sat down at the computer, clicked “Get Hands While Playing” in PokerTracker 4, and opened Ignition.
  3. I immediately jumped over four tables.
  4. I started playing too aggressively and didn't think about my decisions. I had an Ace, I 3bet. I hit a TP on the flop, cbet and went for it. I was really just looking at my hole cards and the board, and that led to terrible plays and a shitty session where I lost money.
After the four conclusions I reached above, I realized that I had NOT prepared myself for a perfect session. And all the clues that should have alerted me to a terrible session, my mind simply missed.

What is a perfect poker session for YOU?

Yours might look different than mine:
  • I am present and eager to play and face my opponents.
  • I'm playing more than just my hole cards and the board. I use position, bet size, stack size, actions, HUD stats, board cards, and range interaction to make my readings.
  • I use my readings to devise and carry out exploitative works.
  • I take both losing and winning hands in stride and don't get upset when things don't go my way.
  • I end the session earning even 1¢.

What LEADS to a Perfect Session for YOU?

Think about your most recent perfect session. What elements would you say were in place for such a great session to take place? Were you…?
  • Heated?
  • Aren't you distracted?
  • Well rested?
  • Play at 2 tables instead of 6?
  • Do you use your HUD to take readings?
  • Are you thinking about your decisions and taking your opponents into account?

What leads to a EVIL session for YOU?

  • Drink while you play?
  • Playing tired?
  • Are you watching Supernatural season 6 while playing?
  • Are you thinking about all the things that went wrong that day?
  • Are you thinking about all the important things you could do instead?

피망 머니상 : Prepare for Perfect Poker Success

Now that you have an idea of ​​what a perfect session is and what leads to it, and what things you should avoid that lead to bad sessions, let's set you up for success.

What are 3 things you can do before the session that will lead to perfect poker?

Write them on a sticky note and stick it to your monitor. Here are mine:
  1. Giving myself permission to only play poker right now and ignore everything else in my life.
  2. Do a reading exercise with one hand related to a poker leak that I'm working to plug.
  3. I close my web browser and close the office door if my family is home to minimize distractions.

What are the 3 things you focus on while playing a perfect session?

Write them on another sticky note. Here are mine:
  1. Who are my opponents and their tendencies.
  2. What is their preflop range based on how they entered the pot and their tendencies.
  3. Make exploitative plays to steal more pots or gain more value.

My two perfect session sticky notes.

To take action

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  1. Create sticky notes with your answers to each question above.
  2. Pre-session: DO YOUR 3 THINGS for perfect sessions.
  3. In the game: FOCUS ON YOUR 3 THINGS for perfect sessions.

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